Magento Performance Optimization Services

Magento Performance Optimization Services

Do you know how bad can a slow loading Magento website impact your business? Well, it can negatively affect your website performance more than you think. An unoptimized Magento store has to through several issues like:

>> Dipping conversion rate
>> Higher bounce rate
>>Lack of organic traffic
>>Increased cart abandonment rate

One of the best ways to boost your Magento website speed is to opt for Magento speed optimization. It also helps in improving your search rankings, conversion rates and overall Magento performance. Most importantly, it lessens the operational cost and boosts user engagement. 

Why Choose Magento Site Speed Optimization?

The importance of Magento speed optimization services increased after Google emphasized the importance of page speed in the ranking of a website in search results. Since then, website owners are now paying attention to Magento site speed optimization.

At Uncanny, we provide quality Magento performance optimization for boosting your Magento website speed. Our Magento developers are experienced to lower your website loading speed. They make sure that you stay ahead of your competitors and attract more customers.

Our Magento Speed Optimization Services


At Uncanny, we minify your website’s CSS, JS, and HTML to ensure that the Magento website is on par with the latest web standards.

Boost Server Performance

To improve Magento store performance, one must have a well-optimized website server. Our Magento 2 developers will set up robust configurations to ensure the fastest load time.

Tune up CSS and JS

We at Uncanny ensure to fix all the issues found while auditing in CSS, HTML, JavaScript etc. Doing so will give an additional boost to the speed of your Magento website.

CDN Configuration

We can help you by picking the right Content Delivery Network (CDN) service provider. We also configure it for boosting the loading speed of your static content web pages.

Landing Page Cache Configuration

With the help of landing page cache configuration, you improve the loading speed of your Magento eCommerce website. It can boost the speed of your product, display category, and CMS pages

Security Checks

Our Magento developers are capable of fixing all the coding bugs and SQL queries for overall website optimization.

Significant Advantages of Magento Speed Optimization

Boosts Web Traffic & Conversions

One of the biggest reasons behind opting for Magento speed optimization is that it boosts website traffic. With the increase in website traffic, there will increase in your sales figures too. It will bring down the cost of acquisition.

Stay Ahead of Competitors

Customers always prefers a website that is easily accessible and easy to use. If you wish to stay ahead of your competitors, then you must opt for Magento performance optimization. It will boost your Magento website traffic and delivers your content in no time.

Better Ranking on SERPs

The most important factor for ranking your website on Google is none other than page speed. The best time for a web page to load is within three seconds. At Uncanny, we make this possible with our Magento speed optimization services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by Magento 2 performance optimization?

When it comes to Magento 2 performance optimization, we ensure to optimize HTML, JS, And CSS structures. Once, the performance is optimized your website will work faster and will also be able to handle a larger catalogue.

What is the need for Magento speed optimization?

A website loading speed has an impact not only on your SERP, but also influences the conversion rate. If your page takes more than 3 seconds to load, then there are higher chances of customers leaving your website. For the sole reason, you need to optimize your Magento website speed.

Is it possible to optimize more than one Magento store on one web server?

No, you can only optimize one Magento store on each web server.

Will your mobile speed also improve with Magento performance optimization services?

Yes, undoubtedly your mobile speed will improve and lead to faster loading web pages.